Friday, February 15, 2013

UH Japanese Club! - Mtg. 2/19

Hey guys! Lovin' the Japanese culture fun? Come join the UH Japanese Culture and Language Association!

The UH JCLA will be having its next meeting on Tuesday the 19th at 4:30pm, in the Calhoun Lofts Sky Lounge! Our club focuses on, well, the language and culture of Japan (but not so much anime - there's an anime club for that)!

We have tons of fun things planned for this semester:
-T-shirt/logo design contests - Winners get $50 Visa gift cards and a free club shirt! Show off your digital media skills, guys! Info on the contests will be distributed at this coming meeting.

-Craft/food workshops
-End of the semester Japanese food party

We provide food, language lessons, history facts, fun videos, and more at our regular meetings. While regular meetings are free to everyone, only paying members may participate in the fun activities listed above. It will be $15 for the semester, or $25 for the year. So, come have fun with us, and bring a friend or two!

As always, snacks, drinks, and awkward but knowledgeable Japan-nerds are complimentary.

A rainbow of tasty flavoured mochi made by the President and myself for our New Year themed meeting!


  1. Damn I wish I could but I have my photography calls at that time!

    1. We might be moving our meetings to Friday, if that helps.. You can join our group on facebook at for more info.

  2. Oh no! I missed this day! I am in the anime club, but I didn't know there was a Japanese club here too. Thanks for sharing. =)

    1. Yeah, we're working on advertising, haha. We haven't affiliated with the anime club or anything because we're focusing on culture/language, and don't want to be mistaken for another anime club. >.< You can go look at our group page at We're potentially going to make the club meetings on Friday.. It seems like Tuesday doesn't work for anyone. Feel free to vote in the poll I posted earlier about times. >.<

  3. I can never go to the meetings because I have class. :C

    1. Sorry. Sometimes we have things that aren't on Tuesday. There was a karaoke thing last night.
